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What should I draw?

Do you struggle to draw, come up with ideas for your artwork or designs or with motivation? Or like me are you just a really busy person? Who isn't? I hear you.

This first little tidbit of art advice is just for you and takes 10 minutes or less.

Develop a Daily Drawing Habit - it's easier than I thought

Grab a pencil and one sheet of paper.

Let go of any preference for what you like to draw. Quickly, really quickly pick an object in sight or google an art prompt, use the first thing and a reference image if you need.

Do each of the following for 2 minutes, a timer can really come in handy here.

And draw:

  • a contour drawing; this is where you draw without lifting your pencil

  • blind contour, yes, you heard me, try this again but with your eyes shut, no peeking

  • non-dominant hand, some of us find this harder than the blind one

  • preferred hand in your usual style

Up above is an example that I did of a cow in September last year. At the time I had no plans for doing anything with cows, not milk them, not design them, nothing.

But over time I kept looking at this practice and an idea began developing which lead to my Farmyard collection with the green design on the right being one of my hero designs.

Whenever you’re at a loss of what to draw or paint this short sharp routine of 4 x 2 minutes should snap you out of it. It's also great if you’re one of those people who spends your day in another job. See if you can find 8 mins somewhere in the day to do this, in a meal break, and yes, take your sketchbook to work with you but you could always grab some scrap paper, even the paper bag or wrap from your lunch will do.

draw what you love and how you love

What’s your favourite thing to draw? Or maybe you have a few? Or maybe like me it keeps changing? One of my favourite things to draw is people. Not portraits but whole figures. Life drawing using ink pens or fine liners in a cross hatched style is my jam. Not usual for life drawing but I just love the scratchy feeling and sound of pen on paper and seeing a human image come alive on the paper in front of me. Super satisfying. What’s your favourite medium or tools?

For a while I put this aside as it seemed counterproductive. I am a quilter who sews products made of fabrics of my watercolours. I am a surface designer who sells patterns made of my watercolour paintings. Was I going to use my scratchy pen life drawings to design fabric? Probably not.

Although maybe I should...what do you think?

Time is precious and that little voice in our heads keeps telling us to keep the main thing the main thing but really where's the joy in that?

Pick your favourite subject matter and favourite medium and go for it. I'm not really sure on the rules for posting life drawings on a website so added a few blue gum leaves for good measure.

Draw what catches your eye

Like most parents of teens I spend quite a bit of my time driving my children to and from their sporting commitments. Last year one of my daughters trained a 40 minute drive from home so I’d go for a walk in the area. Over time I made some usual routes but one time I tried a different path and huzzah! I stumbled upon what I’m sure is the cutest little Tiffany lamp shop in all of Melbourne. Classiques en Furniture on Canterbury Road.

It literally lit up my life.

What a beautiful sight on a quiet cold winter’s night.

I would stop and stare. So many different designs. Who made them? Who had put all the pieces of glass together? And how did they do it. Did they plan it? Or they ever make a lamp spontaneously? Were they ever so practiced they didn’t need a plan? Was it all the same maker?

And take photos. If something catches your eye photograph it.


be kind to yourself and remember to just give your drawing and art a go. I'm hoping that this post has helped an artist here or there. Drop me a line if you found it helpful.

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